Alternatives to Back Surgery

alternatives to back surgery

Alternatives to Back Surgery

Back surgery. Two simple words that are enough to make most of us shudder.

In talking to our patients, we have come to learn that many people expect surgery to be the only solution for their back pain.

However, nothing could be farther from the truth. For example, complex procedures like lumbar fusions are not appropriate for every condition.

Orthopedic surgeons are some of our closest clinical partners.

This is because science shows PT to be effective for most people suffering from back pain (and other orthopedic issues).

In fact, the research is clear that Physical Therapy as a first intervention saves time, money and pain in the majority of back injuries.

Physical therapy can strengthen the back and identify the movement patterns that may have caused the problem in the first place.

In many cases, with some patience and discipline, physical therapy may help you avoid lumbar surgery altogether!

What You Can Do Now

One important thing you can do is to avoid slouching or leaning in a single direction, thus placing less strain on the spine.

If you sit or bend in one position for too long, remember to twist or bend in the other direction to relieve muscle tension and balance the stress.

Add to this some simple stretching exercises you can perform at your desk. For example:

  • Roll your shoulders 10 times
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together 10 times, or
  • Slowly rotate your head over each shoulder 10 times.

These exercises will help keep your tissues comfortable and mobile.

In addition, the following therapies often allow us to provide immediate relief for the patient:
  • Soft tissue manipulations
  • Heat/cold therapy
  • Joint mobilization

Remember: the foundation of Physical Therapy is Education.

Our goal is to help you identify the activities that cause you pain, while providing you with a comprehensive approach to dealing with pain.

If you have a surgeon, this information cannot take the place of their advice, so please contact them as well.

We look forward to working directly with your surgeon to optimize your physical outcomes and hopefully avoid surgery altogether.