Running Injuries: Function & Form

running injury

For many of us, running injuries are something that we feel can happen inadvertently. Some people feel that they can’t be prevented or anticipated.

In fact, understanding the anatomy and biomechanics of our feet can greatly help us lower our risk of injury – even prevent them altogether. Of course, avoiding overtraining is another way to avoid injuries.

Firstly, if you have foot pain, then your foot is “out of control!” This means that your body does not have true motor control of your foot, which in turn wear down our tissues and start to cause pain. The foot can also be painless but contributing to knee, hip, and/or back pain. Who knew??

We’ve heard runners say, “my problem is that I pronate.” Let’s be clear, pronation of the foot is not a bad thing. It is normal and necessary for shock absorption.

Too much pronation is what usually leads to foot pain. This happens because the tissues on the bottom of the foot become stretched and painful. This is technically called Plantar Fasciitis (PF), although there are varying degrees of severity of PF.

Too much uncontrolled motion can also cause calluses, bunions, neuromas and a host of other issues.

The solution:

Your foot needs more control, meaning you need to provide it with more stability to endure the stresses of running. This can be done with rehabilitative exercises, an insole, a custom orthotic, tape or a heel cup.

The solution will vary depending on the cause of your individual pain. Many of our therapists have completed their Foot/Ankle fellowships through The Jackson Clinics and can help you identify the exact cause of your pain.

Let us be part of your solution. Our doctors offer specialized running exams and are able to make custom orthotics based on your unique foot shape.

Click the link below to schedule an appointment with one of our world class Doctors of Physical Therapy.

Curious as to what a Running Exam looks like at TJC? Check out this video on our Social Media pages!