Author Archives: jacksadmin

Strong Quads Help Fight Osteoarthritis

Many individuals experience pain from osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, the “wear and tear” version of arthritis. It can occur in any joint but is especially common in the knee. Your knee is a complex joint where the thigh bone (femur), a lower leg bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella) come together. These bones […]

Alleviating Soreness During Car Rides

After a few hours in the car, your body may crack and creak, often painfully. What is it about a simple automobile ride that can cause such dreadful muscle soreness? You are at risk of developing soreness any time you stay in one position for an extended period of time. Some of the most common […]

Kids: A Pain in the Knee

If your child experiences knee discomfort, it could be due to Osgood-Schlatter disease. Although temporary, this condition can be a source of pain and swelling. Most children suffering from Osgood-Schlatter disease also experience a tender bump just below the kneecap. The pain associated with this condition appears when children, whose bones are growing rapidly, are […]

Ankle Injuries: Rehabilitation Approaches

Ankle injuries are among the most common athletic hindrances. Jumping sports such as basketball and volleyball produce the majority of ankle injuries, although nonathletes can easily injure an ankle simply by stepping onto an uneven surface, such as a stone. Rehabilitation following an ankle injury is crucial to managing pain and preventing future injury. There […]

Walking: An Effective Tool for Weight Loss and Maintenance

The simplest exercise available is placing one foot in front of the other and walking. Because this is something we do every day, it is often overlooked as a valuable tool for weight loss. A 140-pound person walking at a moderate pace for 20 minutes will burn approximately 92 calories while increasing heart rate, thus […]

Selecting the Proper Running Shoe

You might think that buying a pair of running shoes is more an issue of fashion than a serious decision that takes any technical consideration. Nothing could be further from the truth; in fact, selecting the proper running shoe is pivotal to protecting your joints from injury. Shoe technology now incorporates different types of construction […]

Helping Your Child Prepare to Pitch for Little League

As your child prepares for the spring baseball season, your first concern should be helping him or her prevent injury. Most injuries to pitchers come from three sources: overuse, poor throwing mechanics and improper conditioning. In fact, Little League baseball has become so concerned about youth pitching injuries that they have developed pitch count regulations […]

Here we grow again!

We are excited to announce that we have a new location opening March 15th in Potomac Falls/Sterling and another one opening this Spring/Summer in Fairfax/Burke! Bringing more great patient care to our communities! The Jackson Clinics, LP, is a locally owned physical therapy practice in multiple locations throughout Northern Virginia. We specialize in outpatient orthopedics […]

Hip Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery

Depending on how recently your hip surgery was performed, the hip pain you experience afterward could be quite normal. It will be minimized if you remember to diligently follow your surgeon’s specific instructions about what you can and cannot do in the first few weeks after surgery. In fact, a program of physical therapy exercises—begun […]

Returning to the Tennis Court After a Lazy Winter

As winter fades away and the weather turns warmer, many of us jump right back into our favorite outdoor sports without any preparation, setting ourselves up for injury and frustration. Tennis is a physically demanding sport, so it is a great idea to ease into the new season with a sensible, sport-specific fitness plan. Tennis […]