Category Archives: Head

Minor Accident, Major Pain

Fender benders with your car typically cause more annoyance than trauma. After exchanging insurance information, assessing the damage to your car and silently cursing the other driver for texting instead of watching the road, you will probably just go on with your day. But several hours later, you feel a deep ache in your neck, […]

Relieving Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

Located in front of your ear where your skull and lower jaw meet, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) allows the lower jaw to move and function properly. Problems with this disk are called temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Causes of TMD include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, grinding your teeth at night, displacement or dislocation of the disk between the […]

Physical Therapy for Ménière’s Disease

Some people may think that they are just clumsy if they briefly lose their balance or feel as if the world is moving while they are standing still. In fact, these people may have a disorder called Ménière’s disease, a serious, episodic, progressively debilitating inner ear condition. People with this disorder generally exhibit all four […]