Category Archives: Knee

Sore Knees? Lighten Up

A common condition among older adults, osteoarthritis of the knee occurs when cartilage in the knee wears away, forcing the bones to rub more closely against one another. This not only causes pain, swelling and stiffness, but it is also a common cause of disability. And while age is considered one of the main risk […]

Strong Hips = Strong Knees

If you are undertaking a physical therapy program for knee pain or injury, it might strike you as odd that so much focus is put on increasing strength and flexibility in your hips. After all, your hips aren’t the problem. But here’s something you may not know: While your pain and difficulty moving may be […]

Knee Osteoarthritis Supplementing Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis, common among older adults, occurs when cartilage in the knee breaks down. That allows the bones to rub against one another, causing pain, swelling, stiffness and decreased mobility. Drugstore shelves are filled with supplements containing chondroitin and glucosamine that promise healthier joints for those suffering from knee osteoarthritis. These supplements may sound like […]

Get Hip (and Knee) to Total Joint Replacement Surgery

Does it seem as though everyone is having a total joint replacement? Well, not only are older Americans taking advantage of total knee or hip replacement but younger patients—especially the athletically driven baby-boomer generation—are opting to have the surgery as well. Total joint replacement involves surgically removing parts of an arthritic or damaged joint and […]

Rehabbing a Torn Medial Collateral Ligamen

While no one wants a knee injury, of course, a torn medial collateral ligament (MCL) is probably the easiest knee injury to treat. MCLs will often heal on their own, meaning that a full return to normal activities without surgery is possible, even when dealing with the most severe tears. Often, a course of physical […]

Giving Your Knee a Lube Job

A thick, naturally occurring liquid that lubricates the joints, hyaluronan (also called hyaluronate) becomes thinner in people with osteoarthritis of the knee. If you are one of the millions of adults living with osteoarthritis of the knee, your physician may prescribe hyaluronic acid injections to ease pain and stiffness. An injection of hyaluronic acid may […]

When IT Causes Knee Pain

IT band syndrome is a nickname for iliotibial band syndrome, a condition affecting the thick, fibrous band of tissue that runs from the pelvis to the top of the shin and keeps the knee stable and functioning when you walk or run. When the IT band becomes irritated or inflamed, patients feel knee pain that […]

The Recipe to Relieve a Baker Cyst

If you suffer from knee pain, the culprit might be a Baker cyst, an accumulation of joint fluid that creates a bulge at the back of the knee. The bulge is noticeable, and a physician can usually diagnose it accurately by taking a history and feeling for the swelling behind the knee. Most people will […]

ACL Repair: Your Tissue or Someone Else’s?

If you have torn your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), the main ligament that stabilizes the knee, and are scheduled for reconstructive surgery to repair it, your surgeon could use either an autograft or an allograft. What is the difference between the two? An autograft is a piece of tissue removed from your body and used […]

Flexing Your New Replacement Knee

Deciding to have your knee replaced can lead to many logical concerns regarding safety, rehabilitation and whether the increase in quality of life makes the procedure worth the trouble. Not everyone will regain full range of motion after total knee replacement. Depending upon the specific nature of your injury and knee replacement, however, a full […]