Are You Making Pelvic Floor Issues WORSE For Your Patients?

Are You Making Pelvic Floor Issues WORSE For Your Patients?

In the realm of healthcare, our commitment to healing is unwavering. However, in the pursuit of helping our patients recover, it’s crucial to assess whether our methods inadvertently contribute to exacerbating certain health issues.

One area that demands particular attention is Pelvic Floor Health. Without proper cueing and exercise techniques, well-intentioned physical therapists may inadvertently worsen pelvic floor problems.

Here are some of the most common pitfalls in pelvic floor treatment:

Generic Exercise Prescriptions:

One-size-fits-all exercise routines may not consider the unique needs of individuals.

A squat or lunge, for example, could inadvertently strain the pelvic floor muscles, leading to increased tension or weakness.

Tailoring exercises to the specific needs and condition of each patient is paramount.

Overemphasis on Kegels:

While Kegel exercises are beneficial for many, overemphasis or improper execution can lead to imbalances.

Some patients may already have tight pelvic floor muscles, and performing excessive Kegels can exacerbate tension, contributing to pain and dysfunction.

Inadequate Cueing:

Proper form and technique are critical in pelvic health exercises. Inadequate cueing can lead to incorrect muscle engagement, potentially worsening pelvic floor problems.

Providing clear instructions and ensuring patients understand how to activate and relax the pelvic floor is essential.

Strategies for Optimal Pelvic Health Rehabilitation:

  • Individualized Assessments: Conduct thorough assessments to understand each patient’s unique pelvic health needs. Consider factors such as muscle tone, flexibility, and any existing dysfunctions.
  • Educate and Communicate: Take the time to educate your patients about pelvic floor health. Help them understand the importance of proper form and technique in exercises and encourage open communication about any discomfort or concerns.
  • Integrate Functional Movements: Incorporate functional movements into rehabilitation exercises. This ensures that the pelvic floor is engaged in a way that aligns with daily activities, promoting a more holistic approach to recovery.
  • Collaborate with Pelvic Health Specialists: For complex cases, consider collaborating with pelvic health specialists, including pelvic floor physical therapists or urologists. A multidisciplinary approach can provide comprehensive care tailored to the individual.


As dedicated Physical Therapists, our commitment to healing extends beyond the immediate symptoms. By addressing pelvic health with precision, empathy, and a holistic approach, we can ensure that our efforts contribute positively to the well-being of our patients.

Let’s continue to educate ourselves, refine our techniques, and work collaboratively to empower those seeking rehabilitation for pelvic floor issues.

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