Tag Archives: back

Stiff Back: Not a Good Way to Start the Day

Morning back stiffness can stem from a large number of conditions, from the mundane to the exotic. In an otherwise healthy individual, it can simply be the result of fluid accumulation in the spinal disks during the night. This can result in stiffness or pain in the back. Preventing morning stiffness can be as simple […]

Getting Your Disks in Order

One of the most common causes of back pain, degenerative disk disease (DDD) occurs when intervertebral disks break down. Your spine is comprised of a column of bones called vertebrae, with gel-filled disks between them to absorb shock. Made up of about 80% water, these vertebral disks lose water as you age, causing them to […]

Early Exercise = Speedy Healing Following Disc Surgery

If you have had a microdiscectomy—surgery to alleviate sciatica, or sciatic nerve pain caused by a herniated disc—a postoperative regimen that includes exercise can help speed your return to a normal, active life. In the past, patients were advised to limit their movements for up to six weeks after microdiscectomy surgery to avoid reinjury. However, […]

Is Piriformis Syndrome Getting on Your (Sciatic) Nerve?

Characterized by tingling, numbness and pain deep in the buttock, piriformis syndrome describes what happens when the piriformis muscle, a muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip that stabilizes the hip joint and enables us to walk, shift our weight from one foot to another and maintain balance, compresses the sciatic […]

A “Multifaceted” Approach to Back Pain

Do you feel as though you need to turn your entire body to look to one side? Do you wake up with pain in the base of your head and upper back, pain that only gets worse after long car rides or working at a desk all day? Is there an unexplained ringing in your […]

When Back Pain Comes Back

Exercise is often prescribed as the preferred treatment for lower back pain, and walking seems like a healthy, low-impact option. Yet patients often return to their physicians complaining that their walking program has not helped—or has even made things worse. The problem is usually not the walking itself, but the absence of other stretching and […]

Cracking the Pain of Spinal Compression Fracture

You lifted a bag of groceries from the floor. Now your physician says your back pain is the result of spinal compression fracture. What is that? Can it be treated? Will the pain go away? Spinal compression fracture occurs when bones of the back cannot support the demand placed on them and collapse. Sometimes multiple […]

Balancing Life and Low Back Pain

Low back pain is common and can result from overuse, muscle strain or injury. It is one of the leading causes of job-related disability and missed work in the United States and is considered chronic when it lasts for more than 12 weeks. One study suggests that trunk balance exercises are especially important for treating […]

Getting to the “Core” of Back Problems

According to recent studies, 70–80% of Americans will experience back pain at some time in their lives. For most people, back pain will resolve with conservative treatment. One of the treatment options available is increasing strength and flexibility in what are referred to as your “core” muscles. Lower core muscles are the muscles surrounding your […]

Exercise Away Your Back Pain

How common is back pain? The majority of people in the United States will suffer from lower back pain at least once in their lifetimes. But treating the pain can be complex and is usually best done with advice from a physical therapist. Some people may require surgery to treat their back pain. However, surgery […]