Tag Archives: neck

Knitting Up Your Broken Collarbone

Better known as a broken collarbone, a clavicle fracture is a common injury among people of all ages. Despite its location, the collarbone is not part of the neck, but rather a bone that connects the rib cage and the shoulder blade. A break in the collarbone often occurs in the middle of the bone. […]

Benefits of Spinal Surgery Can Be Short-Term

-FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- Physical Therapy offers same outcomes for patients with sciatica 6 months after surgery. Middleburg, Virginia, June 23, 2008 – A recent study published in the British Medical Journal1 reports that spinal surgery for patients with sciatica offers a short term benefit, but by 6 months that benefit disappears and no difference is […]

Physical Therapists Offer Low-Cost Solution to Increasing Health Costs

-FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- Spinal Manipulation, Exercise and Advice Offer Patients an Effective Alternative for Back Pain Middleburg, Virginia, Feb. 14, 2008 – Health care expenditures for patients with spinal conditions are rising without an associated increase in health status, according to a February, 2008 research report appearing in the Journal of the American Medical Association. […]

Relieving Dowager’s Hump Through Exercise

Older individuals with osteoporosis often develop spinal kyphosis, resulting in the formation of a pronounced hunchback, sometimes called a “dowager’s hump” (kyphos means “hump” in Greek). Kyphosis occurs because a spinal vertebra, usually at the level of the rib cage, becomes weak and porous. Eventually, something as innocent as a sneeze or cough causes the […]

TENS: A Drug-free Way to Relieve Pain

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may sound futuristic—even scary—but this method of pain relief is actually a great drug-free way to relieve discomfort from injuries or chronic conditions. When the TENS equipment is used, patches called electrodes are applied to your skin (“transcutaneous” means “through the skin”) and are attached to a small, battery-operated device […]

Persepctives for Patients – Neck Pain

Neck pain is very common and fortunately resolves quickly in most individuals. However, in certain cases neck pain can last longer and result in chronic pain, limited neck motion, and disability. In fact, chronic neck pain is the second leading cause of workers’ compensation claims in the United States. Treatments that can quickly reduce pain, […]

Is Your Elbow Pain a Pain in the Neck?

Golfer’s or pitcher’s elbow, also called medial epicondylitis, causes pain on the inner side of the elbow, and weakness and tingling in the forearm and hand. But the condition is not limited to athletes. It is actually more common in people who smoke, operate vibrating equipment or engage in manual labor frequently requiring the lifting […]