ACL Recovery & The Shocking Truth
Research shows that athletes returning to sports after ACL reconstruction face a re-tear rate as high as 20-30%, particularly within the first year.
This risk is significantly reduced when athletes receive structured, top-tier care from expert physical therapists.
Join ACL-expert clinician, educator, and PT influencer, Dr. Wesley Wang as he outlines key elements of cutting-edge ACL rehabilitation that EVERY PT should know.
With a thriving ACL cash-based practice and nearly 400,000 followers on social media, Dr. Wang has emerged as a credible and trustworthy resource for therapists and athletes alike.
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Who is Dr. Wesley Wang?
Wesley graduated with his Doctor of Physical Therapy from Franklin Pierce University in 2015.
He started working at Healthy Baller in 2017 which is a cash-based clinic focused on athletes and active adults. His primary specialization is in ACLs which makes up approximately 70% of his patient population.
He utilizes his Instagram to promote what he believes to be high level rehab for athletes, particularly around ACL rehabilitation.
Additionally, Wesley has developed an ACL Mastermind Group as well as an in-person ACL course which are both designed to educate clinicians on how to properly rehab ACLs.
Wesley believes there is a void in how the healthcare industry views treating ACLs and strives to improve the education around ACL rehab.
Register Now!
Date: 1/21/15
Time: 8pm-9pm EST
Location: Microsoft Teams Webinar – Click Here to Register!