Growth Is Not Always Comfortable

Growth is an essential part of any career, especially in the dynamic field of physical therapy. But let’s be honest: growth is often uncomfortable. It frequently requires us to step outside our comfort zones and embrace challenges that push us beyond our perceived limits. What makes this process more manageable—and more effective—is having someone to act as a catalyst, someone who initiates, clarifies, and supports your progress. Let’s explore how to find that catalyst and how to work together to ensure they push you in the right way.

The Challenge of Finding a Catalyst

Over the past 20 years, I’ve had the privilege of interviewing, mentoring, and collaborating with countless PTs. One common thread among all of them is a strong desire to continue growing, both personally and professionally, throughout their careers. However, many of them also shared a significant challenge: finding someone to help guide them along that journey.

Recognizing this need, our organization has poured time, effort, and energy into creating an ecosystem designed to foster growth and development. We’ve built layers of mentors, coaches, and programs that serve as catalysts for our team members. Additionally, we’ve facilitated connections with mentors outside of our organization—collaborating with innovative companies, universities, and other organizations that align with the unique needs and goals of our team members.

Finding the Right Fit

Some of our team members have found their catalysts within their immediate clinics, while others have discovered theirs outside of our organization. What we’ve learned is that each individual has a unique set of conditions that optimize their learning and growth. Investing the time and effort to find the right fit pays off immensely for everyone involved.

Whether your catalyst is a colleague, a mentor from another organization, or someone in a completely different field, it’s crucial to ensure that the relationship is mutually beneficial. This means that both you and your mentor should be committed to the process and willing to adapt as needed to achieve the best results.

Defining How You Grow Best

Even after finding a compatible mentor-mentee relationship, there’s still work to be done. One of the most important steps is establishing guidelines for how you, as the mentee, are best challenged. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Consider the following questions:

  • Are you someone who prefers immediate, blunt feedback when something isn’t right?
  • Would you rather receive feedback in a quiet space, away from colleagues and patients?
  • Do you need time to reflect on feedback before discussing it with your mentor?

These factors are critical to the success of your growth efforts and can be uncomfortable to navigate initially. However, having open and honest conversations about your preferences will set the stage for a more productive and supportive relationship. The goal is to create an environment where you can be challenged in a way that maximizes your development while minimizing unnecessary stress or discomfort.

Embrace the Discomfort

Physical therapy is a rapidly developing field, and staying fulfilled in your career requires consistent growth, both personally and professionally. Embracing the discomfort that comes with growth is part of the journey, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you’re struggling to find your catalyst or optimize your relationship with them, please reach out—we’re here to help.

Remember, growth may not always be comfortable, but it’s always worth it. By finding the right catalyst and working together to define how you grow best, you can ensure that your career remains fulfilling and that you continue to evolve as both a person and a professional.

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