Tag Archives: back

Alternatives to Back Surgery

Alternatives to Back Surgery Back surgery. Two simple words that are enough to make most of us shudder. In talking to our patients, we have come to learn that many people expect surgery to be the only solution for their back pain. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. For example, complex procedures like […]

Keys to Healthy Lifting and Carrying

From grocery bags to gardening supplies, having the proper lifting and carrying technique can be the difference between making memories and sustaining an injury. We all know to “bend with your legs, not your back!” but is there more to healthy lifting and carrying of heavy objects? Your “lifting” muscles Let’s keep it simple, what […]

Beware of Bed Rest for Back Pain

In the old days your doctor told you to go on bed rest for back pain until it felt better. However, a lot has been discovered since then and gone are the days of recommending bed rest. Most often, engaging in movements early on can be very beneficial. Working on posture and slowly returning to […]

Help! My Back Hurts When I Travel

If you travel frequently, you’ve probably felt the pain and stiffness that come with extended periods of sitting down in a car or airplane. Traveling can be a harsh reminder that the spine was not designed for long hours of sitting. Too often, the hours spent in a plane or car can result in an […]

Ease That Nagging Back Pain

Your back is killing you, and the last thing you want to do is move around. Unfortunately, for most cases of nagging back pain, lying around in bed can only make the problem worse. Numerous studies have shown that exercise improves back pain, and the more regularly you engage in physical activity, the better. Exercise […]

Get In the Swim for Back Pain

Back pain can carry a double whammy. Painful back muscles may prevent you from exercising comfortably. But a lack of exercise may inhibit your back from healing and may actually make the condition worse. Swimming can be an excellent solution to your problem. Fortunately, swimming provides a great full body workout. Water counteracts the forces […]

Hurt Your Back? Get Out of Bed!

Regardless of your age or condition, a fall can take a toll on your back. Whether it’s a slippery bathtub, a wrinkled rug or an unexpected step, falling catches us when we least expect it. Most of us escape these incidents with a few ugly bruises, but some sustain significant back injuries—or at least injuries […]

Get Your Back Back to Being Pain-free

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints. Degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis (when a vertebra in the spine slips out of the proper position onto the bone below it), osteoporosis and herniated discs, are often the toughest to cope with because they can cause chronic back pain. Chronic back pain due […]

Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem

Five is an unlucky number for many people with spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-LYE-sis), because this condition—a weakness or stress fracture of a spinal bone—is most often found near the fifth lumbar vertebra in the lower back. It may, however, occur in other lumbar vertebrae, as well as in the chest area. Spondylolysis is often caused by overuse, […]

Recovery from Microdiscectomy

Microdiscectomy, a common form of lower back surgery, is used to treat leg pain caused by disc herniation. Because it uses a smaller incision, microdiscectomy is far less invasive and causes far less trauma to underlying tissues than its alternative, laminectomy. Because the mechanical structure of the lower spine remains unchanged, the recovery period after […]