Tag Archives: blood pressure

Keep Your Blood Pressure in Check

To lower the risk of high blood pressure, or hypertension, public health officials have urged Americans to reduce their salt intake. In addition to modifying your diet, however, a sensible exercise program is essential to control hypertension. Significant evidence reveals that moderate exercise for as little as 30 minutes a day may lower blood pressure […]

Controlling Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Putting on the blood pressure cuff in the doctor’s office can make anyone’s heart rate rise. Nobody wants to be diagnosed as hypertensive, especially when that label can mean a lifetime of antihypertensive drugs that come with a long list of side effects—dizziness, sexual dysfunction, coughing and more. Years ago, people were not considered hypertensive […]

Blood Pressure Medicine + Exercise = Recovery from Stroke

About every 45 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke, making it the leading cause of long-term disability. Survivors are often left with physical deficits and fear of suffering another stroke. As a stroke survivor, you can do two things to reduce the risk of a second stroke: control your blood pressure with […]

Standing Up Safely Without Dizziness

If you feel dizzy when you suddenly rise after sitting for a significant amount of time, you have probably experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure. To compensate for this drop, your body usually pumps extra blood. But for many people—especially those taking drugs to treat high blood pressure, or those with heart problems, diabetes […]