Tag Archives: Colles’ Fracture

Gardening After a Colles Fracture

Perhaps you fell on the ice in January and suffered a Colles fracture, then wore a cast for two months. Can you resume gardening this spring, and should you protect your wrist if you do? A Colles fracture is the most common of several conditions that might be called a “broken wrist.” Named for Irish […]

Don’t Strike Out When You Break Your Wrist

You walk out of your house, trip on the sidewalk and attempt to break your fall with an outstretched arm. Immediately afterward, you notice pain, swelling and an inability to move your wrist. You have likely just sustained a broken wrist (or Colles’ fracture), one of the most common types of broken bones. Obviously, this […]

Recovering from a Colles’ Fracture

Most people are familiar with the concept of a wrist fracture, which refers to a break in one or more bones of the wrist. You may, however, have received a specific diagnosis of a Colles’ fracture, which occurs near the end of the radius—the arm bone that forms part of the wrist joint. Colles’ fractures […]