Tag Archives: geriatrics

Fall Prevention Exercises: Can Exercise Prevent Falls?

The Importance of Exercise in Fall Prevention Falls. They’re a concern for many older adults, ranging from minor stumbles to serious accidents with long-lasting consequences. But here’s some good news: staying active with the right exercises can significantly reduce the risk of falling. While exercise is often associated with shaping up and boosting cardiovascular health, […]

Bone Up to Fight Osteoporosis

Primary osteoporosis is the name given to osteoporosis cases not caused by an underlying drug reaction, disease or syndrome. In this condition, the bones—the word itself means “porous bones”—become brittle, making them highly susceptible to fracture. An event as innocuous as landing the wrong way when sitting down on a chair or twisting awkwardly during […]

Regain Balance in Your Life

Many people never give a second thought to their balance, but once it starts to suffer, the effects can be significant. Age or a variety of health conditions can affect your balance, making walking a challenge. Furthermore, the likelihood that elderly people have osteoporosis can mean that a simple fall can result in a break […]

Ways to Avoid Taking the Fall

Each year, injuries from falling afflict many adults— the majority of whom are senior citizens—causing painful fractures and leaving them with severe mobility problems. Changes related to aging, such as decreases in visual capacity, hearing and strength, can contribute to the likelihood of a tumble. Whether you are a senior or you have an elderly […]

The Slow Creep of Muscle Weakness

Most of us have heard about the dangers of osteoporosis, an age related condition that results in weakened, easily broken bones. But as we age, we don’t think much about losing muscle strength. Sarcopenia , the medical term for muscle loss, develops gradually. It begins around age 35, but at first the loss is slow— […]

I want to Hit the Golf Ball Farther: Golf Tips

Now that the golf off-season has arrived, it is the best possible time to improve your game. That may sound counterintuitive, but consider this—core and muscle strength, flexibility and endurance are the keys to a more effective and consistent golf swing, and what better time to improve these aspects of your personal fitness than when […]

Treating Degenerative Meniscus Tears

During the aging process, the fibrous cartilage between the thighbone (femur) and the shinbone (tibia) within the knee can degenerate and become prone to tearing. These cartilages—the medial meniscus and lateral meniscus—act as shock absorbers, thus protecting the joint surfaces from undue wear and tear, which can lead to arthritis. When you run, walk or […]

Decreasing Cartilage Loss in Osteoarthritis

Although some over-the-counter nutritional supplements have been advertised as capable of rebuilding cartilage in arthritic joints, the claims most often do not stand up under scientific scrutiny. To protect damaged cartilage, the most important things you can do are strengthen the muscles that support the joints in your body affected by osteoarthritis and make them […]

Can We Get Stronger as We Age?

The answer to that question is—absolutely! After age 40 or so, we all begin to lose muscle strength and bone density, and our hormone production slows. While these factors can contribute to a general decrease in vitality, weight training can increase your strength—and give you other benefits—no matter how old or weak you are when […]

Falling for Physical Therapy

Physical therapy has dramatically improved the quality of life for individuals recovering from surgery, auto accidents, arthritis or general pain. Although we often think of physical therapy as a reactive therapy to injury, it can also be used as a proactive means to combat falls. A recent study has shown that one out of three […]