Tag Archives: golfers elbow

Tee Off Against Golfer’s Elbow

You may have heard of tennis elbow, but golfer’s elbow is a less common problem that can affect not only golfers whose swings have imperfections but anyone who performs intensely repetitive tasks requiring wrist flexion, such as painting walls, hammering, typing on a keyboard or even cooking. It may also result from improper form during […]

Treating Country Club Elbow

The term “country club elbow” evokes pleasant images of green lawns, polo shirts and tall glasses of iced tea. Unfortunately, this moniker refers to a far less pleasant condition: the combination of tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow—a chronic, painful syndrome associated with the two sports. The condition can cause a shooting pain down the forearm […]

Is Your Elbow Pain a Pain in the Neck?

Golfer’s or pitcher’s elbow, also called medial epicondylitis, causes pain on the inner side of the elbow, and weakness and tingling in the forearm and hand. But the condition is not limited to athletes. It is actually more common in people who smoke, operate vibrating equipment or engage in manual labor frequently requiring the lifting […]