Tag Archives: LBP

Help! My Back Hurts When I Travel

If you travel frequently, you’ve probably felt the pain and stiffness that come with extended periods of sitting down in a car or airplane. Traveling can be a harsh reminder that the spine was not designed for long hours of sitting. Too often, the hours spent in a plane or car can result in an […]

Ease That Nagging Back Pain

Your back is killing you, and the last thing you want to do is move around. Unfortunately, for most cases of nagging back pain, lying around in bed can only make the problem worse. Numerous studies have shown that exercise improves back pain, and the more regularly you engage in physical activity, the better. Exercise […]

Hurt Your Back? Get Out of Bed!

Regardless of your age or condition, a fall can take a toll on your back. Whether it’s a slippery bathtub, a wrinkled rug or an unexpected step, falling catches us when we least expect it. Most of us escape these incidents with a few ugly bruises, but some sustain significant back injuries—or at least injuries […]

Get Your Back Back to Being Pain-free

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints. Degenerative conditions, such as osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis (when a vertebra in the spine slips out of the proper position onto the bone below it), osteoporosis and herniated discs, are often the toughest to cope with because they can cause chronic back pain. Chronic back pain due […]

Pinpointing a Low Back Pain Problem

Five is an unlucky number for many people with spondylolysis (spon-dee-low-LYE-sis), because this condition—a weakness or stress fracture of a spinal bone—is most often found near the fifth lumbar vertebra in the lower back. It may, however, occur in other lumbar vertebrae, as well as in the chest area. Spondylolysis is often caused by overuse, […]

My Back Pain Always Returns! What Can I Do?

After the common cold, the most common reason Americans miss work is back pain. Unfortunately, once you have experienced back strain or injury, it can easily become a recurring problem. Many cases of back strain are due to the way we live—sitting at desks all day, hunched over a computer, with little physical activity. Unless […]

Does a Herniated Disc Mean Surgery?

Back pain can put a severe crimp in your daily activities. One cause of such pain is a herniated disc, also called a slipped or ruptured disc. A common condition of the lower back that seldom requires surgery, herniated discs are most common in women and men aged 30 to 50 years, although they also […]

Core Training to Relieve Lower Back Pain

After the common cold, lower back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor. Although lower back pain is easy to recognize, its causes are many, varied and often unclear. Thus, one of the greatest challenges facing physical therapists is to match the suspected cause of the pain with the best […]

Can TENS Relieve Low-back Pain?

If you have suffered from acute or chronic pain—including tendinitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia or recurrent back pain—you may have been treated with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This frequently used treatment is widely considered safe for many conditions. In fact, you may have even seen inexpensive units marketed for home use. Can at-home electrical stimulation […]

We’ve Got Your Back

If you suffer from recurring back pain, you have plenty of company. Back pain is one of the most common and universal health complaints among adults. Its causes are often unclear, and solutions that work wonders for some individuals may be completely ineffective for others. Not surprisingly, some sufferers have adopted habits that provide pain […]