Tag Archives: Supplements

Knee Osteoarthritis Supplementing Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis, common among older adults, occurs when cartilage in the knee breaks down. That allows the bones to rub against one another, causing pain, swelling, stiffness and decreased mobility. Drugstore shelves are filled with supplements containing chondroitin and glucosamine that promise healthier joints for those suffering from knee osteoarthritis. These supplements may sound like […]

Joint Supplements: Can Popping a Pill Cure What Ails You?

Walk through the supplement aisle of your local pharmacy, and you will likely see row upon row of “joint supplements”—pills or liquids that promise to relieve joint stiffness and pain, and increase mobility. If there are so many of these products on the market, they must be effective—right? Unfortunately, the answer is not quite so […]