Category Archives: Ankle

Posterior Tibial Tendonitis: A Guide To Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

The Vicious Cycle of Tibial Tendonitis Foot pain can really slow you down, especially when it’s caused by something like posterior tibial tendonitis. The good news is that with the right approach, most people can find relief and get back to their usual activities. In this article, we’ll explore: What posterior tibial tendonitis is, how […]

Functional Ankle Instability: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

Functional Ankle Instability: When Your Ankle Feels Unstable Do you sometimes feel like your ankle is rolling inward when you walk? If so, you might have functional ankle instability (FAI)—a condition where your ankle feels unstable, even though the joint itself is stable. This differs from pure ankle instability, which has a mechanical cause, such […]

Brace Yourself for More Ankle Bracing Questions

Ankle sprains are the most common sports-related injury, so athletes and coaches have a high degree of interest in preventing them. In addition, almost three-quarters of athletes with ankle sprains reinjure their ankle. Multiple recurring sprains can lead to chronic ankle instability and end an athletic career. If you are an athlete, should you wear […]

Medial Sprains: Causes & Treatments

Medial Ankle Sprains: A Pain in the Ankle Ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries. In fact, more than 20,000 ankle sprains occur each day in the United States. While most people think of sprains on the outer side of the ankle, medial ankle sprains—affecting the inner side—are less common but can […]

Avoiding Repeated Ankle Sprains

You may have sprained your ankle several times during the past year and often feel a sensation of weakness, as though you are in danger of spraining it again. When you have had one sprain, other sprains may follow, indicating the presence of a condition called chronic ankle instability. Is there a way to make […]

Relieving Ankle Pain with Joint Fusion

If you suffer from a painful arthritic ankle joint and your physician has suggested a procedure called arthrodesis , you may be confused. Simply put, an arthrodesis fuses the bones that form a joint, making it one continuous bone and permanently stiffening the joint. The procedure is used when pain, disability or instability from a […]

Avoid Spraining Your Ankle Again

Sprained ankles may be common, but they can lead to long-term problems. A European study found that up to 75% of the sprains incurred by professional soccer players occurred in ankles with previous sprains or instability. Another study reported that up to 40% of people who had previously sustained an acute ankle sprain were likely […]