Tag Archives: ankle sprain

How Safe Is Soccer for Children?

A great sport for building endurance, dexterity, speed, agility, coordination and teamwork, soccer is a game played by both boys and girls. As far as safety is concerned, the injury rate in soccer is estimated to be between one-fifth and one-half that of football, America’s other favorite fall sport. Still, with more than three million […]

Ankle Sprains: Not All Are Created Equal

A sprained ankle is a very common injury, with approximately 25,000 people—athletes and non-athletes, children and adults—experiencing it each day. An ankle sprain affects the ligaments , tough elastic bands of tissue on the outside of the ankle that connect the ankle bones to each other and protect the ankle joint from abnormal movements, such […]

Treating Chronic Ankle Instability

Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is an uncomfortable condition in which the outer (lateral) side of your ankle feels like it might “give way” when you walk, move or even stand. If, in fact, it does “give way” with a turn or sprain, the result is lingering tenderness, discomfort and swelling. Overall, about 10% of people […]

Rehabbing a High Ankle Sprain

A high ankle sprain affects the high ankle ligament, connective tissue strands that attach the tibia (shinbone) to the fibula (outside leg bone). Because the ankle offers the stability you need to walk or run, injury to this ligament may lead to instability of the ankle joint. A high ankle sprain results when these ligaments […]

Brace Yourself for More Ankle Bracing Questions

Ankle sprains are the most common sports-related injury, so athletes and coaches have a high degree of interest in preventing them. In addition, almost three-quarters of athletes with ankle sprains reinjure their ankle. Multiple recurring sprains can lead to chronic ankle instability and end an athletic career. If you are an athlete, should you wear […]

Medial Sprain: A Pain in the Ankle

Ankle sprains are one of the most common orthopedic injuries. In fact, more than 20,000 ankle sprains occur each day in the United States. Medial ankle sprains occur when the ligament located on the inner, or medial, side of the ankle is severely stretched or torn. Such injuries account for a small portion of sprains, […]

Avoiding Repeated Ankle Sprains

You may have sprained your ankle several times during the past year and often feel a sensation of weakness, as though you are in danger of spraining it again. When you have had one sprain, other sprains may follow, indicating the presence of a condition called chronic ankle instability. Is there a way to make […]

Avoid Spraining Your Ankle Again

Sprained ankles may be common, but they can lead to long-term problems. A European study found that up to 75% of the sprains incurred by professional soccer players occurred in ankles with previous sprains or instability. Another study reported that up to 40% of people who had previously sustained an acute ankle sprain were likely […]