Tag Archives: hip

Persistence, Patience Speed Recovery from Hip Replacement

Say you need hip replacement surgery. Naturally, one of the first questions you want answered is when you will be fully recovered from the surgery. Unfortunately, the answer is that you will not return to your normal activities overnight. But recovery is not all that challenging, if you approach it correctly. Full recovery usually takes […]

Dive Into Water Therapy After Hip Replacement

So you are facing hip replacement surgery, and your physician has recommended water therapy as a form of rehabilitation. You are hesitant, but the facts are that water therapy uses the physical properties of water to assist in patient healing and exercise performance. It can be a very safe, effective method of rehabilitation after hip […]

Recovering from Hip Impingement Surgery

When otherwise healthy young and middle-aged adults—particularly those who have participated in sports—develop hip stiffness and hip or groin pain, the cause may be hip impingement, or femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI). FAI can be caused by repetitive use or by bone abnormalities from an old injury to the hip. The pain may occur when a person […]

Returning to Normal After a Hip Fracture

Hip fracture, a serious injury that usually requires surgery, occurs more commonly in older adults, particularly where underlying conditions such as osteoporosis are present. While surgical procedures are usually effective, recovery often hinges on more than just the surgery. Your overall health, previous level of mobility and whether you begin and stick to a physical […]

Move Your Hips After Hip Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy, a procedure using a small fiber-optic camera device, has revolutionized hip joint surgery. Often recommended for athletes or those with degenerative arthritis, it is used to remove damaged tissue or splintered-off cartilage floating around the hip joint or to reattach structures within the hip. A surgeon uses a small incision to insert a tiny […]

A Smooth Recovery After Hip Resurfacing

If you are undergoing a Birmingham Hip resurfacing procedure, you probably have questions about rehabilitation and physical therapy. The Birmingham Hip procedure involves placing a new metal surface on your hipbone to slide against a metal socket surface. This procedure is longer lasting, ideal for active patients, less invasive and preserves more bone than traditional […]

Take Care of Your New Hip

While hip pain and stiffness that interfere with daily activities may be alleviated with medication, your physician may recommend total hip replacement to relieve pain and restore function. Hip replacement surgery is generally safe and effective. But you must do your part to make the procedure a success. Physical therapy is essential to recovery. We […]