Take Care of Your New Hip

While hip pain and stiffness that interfere with daily activities may be alleviated with medication, your physician may recommend total hip replacement to relieve pain and restore function. Hip replacement surgery is generally safe and effective. But you must do your part to make the procedure a success.

Physical therapy is essential to recovery. We will work with your physician to develop a program that helps restore range of motion, strengthen the hip, improve balance and increase endurance. Together, we can get you back to doing the things you love.

During recovery, you must take some precautions to reduce the likelihood of hip dislocation and other complications.

  • Always sit so that the hips are higher than the knees. You may need an elevated toilet seat and a new chair to do this.
  • Avoid bending from the waist to tie your shoes or pick things up off the floor. Use a long-handled grabber that allows you to reach without bending.
  • Remove throw rugs and obstacles that could cause a fall.
  • Keep your legs straight in bed by putting a pillow between your knees.
  • Keep feet straight when sitting, and avoid crossing your ankles or legs.
  • Follow your physician’s instructions concerning weight bearing. Different types of artificial joints have different weight-bearing restrictions.
  • Take any blood-thinning medications prescribed by your physician to help prevent blood clots from forming in the legs.
  • Call your physician immediately at any sign of redness, swelling or pain in the leg or ankle, or if you develop a fever.
  • Keep all physical therapy appointments, and follow your prescribed home-exercise program.

Talk to us about your rehabilitation progress and any concerns you might have. We want you to understand your program and help you return to an active daily life.