Tag Archives: post surgical

Restoring Wrist and Finger Movement After Tenolysis

Tenolysis is a surgical procedure performed on the fingers or wrist after a crush injury to the hand from a force or pressure (bleeding, bruising, laceration or fracture) or after surgical repair of a ruptured tendon. After injury or surgery, a normally occurring inflammatory response results in the formation of scar tissue. This scar tissue […]

Recovering from Hip Impingement Surgery

When otherwise healthy young and middle-aged adults—particularly those who have participated in sports—develop hip stiffness and hip or groin pain, the cause may be hip impingement, or femoro-acetabular impingement (FAI). FAI can be caused by repetitive use or by bone abnormalities from an old injury to the hip. The pain may occur when a person […]

Microfracture Surgery: Resurfacing

Microfracture surgery can repair damaged knee cartilage, the material that cushions bones at their joints. First, surgeons make a one-quarter inch incision on the affected knee and then insert an instrument into the joint to poke small holes (microfractures) into the bone just below the end of the damaged cartilage. Blood clots cover the damaged […]

Restoring Range of Motion After Elbow Replacement

Total elbow replacement refers to a surgery that creates an artificial joint. Damage to your elbow can initially occur from badly broken bones, severely torn tissues, a tumor in or around the elbow, rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, or unsuccessful previous surgery. Your normal elbow joint is comprised of two bones— the humerus in the upper […]

Move Your Hips After Hip Arthroscopy

Arthroscopy, a procedure using a small fiber-optic camera device, has revolutionized hip joint surgery. Often recommended for athletes or those with degenerative arthritis, it is used to remove damaged tissue or splintered-off cartilage floating around the hip joint or to reattach structures within the hip. A surgeon uses a small incision to insert a tiny […]

Relieving Ankle Pain with Joint Fusion

If you suffer from a painful arthritic ankle joint and your physician has suggested a procedure called arthrodesis , you may be confused. Simply put, an arthrodesis fuses the bones that form a joint, making it one continuous bone and permanently stiffening the joint. The procedure is used when pain, disability or instability from a […]

Knee Replacement Surgery: Before and After

Many patients believe that a physical therapy regimen follows joint replacement surgery, but exercise before surgery can reap many benefits afterward. Think about it: The pain in your knee has probably rendered you less active. Less activity causes the muscles—in this case, those in the thighs and hips that directly and indirectly support your bad […]

Reducing Surgical Screw Complications

To fix a broken bone internally into position and support it until it is able to bear weight, surgeons have turned to new materials such as stainless steel, cobalt and titanium, which are compatible with the body and rarely cause allergic reaction or implant failures. While metal screws made from these materials are widely used, […]

Flexing Your Flexor Tendons After Surgery

Because recovery from surgery to repair flexor tendons (the tendons that control the movement of your fingers) can be challenging and slow, many people become frustrated after about two months. Why does it take so long to regain the ability to fully bend or straighten your finger? For one thing, effective rehabilitation requires patience and […]

A Smooth Recovery After Hip Resurfacing

If you are undergoing a Birmingham Hip resurfacing procedure, you probably have questions about rehabilitation and physical therapy. The Birmingham Hip procedure involves placing a new metal surface on your hipbone to slide against a metal socket surface. This procedure is longer lasting, ideal for active patients, less invasive and preserves more bone than traditional […]