Active Treatment for Osteoporosis

It wasn’t long ago that the only treatment for osteoporosis was taking medications along with calcium and vitamin D supplements. Current thinking, however, suggests that weight-bearing exercises are a vital component of osteoporosis treatment.

What does weight-bearing mean? It simply refers to any activity that requires the bones and muscles to withstand the effects of gravity (i.e., the impact of the total weight of a body), such as brisk walking, jogging, mowing the lawn or climbing stairs. The old way of thinking restricted these activities for people with osteoporosis. Now these activities are encouraged. The more weight-bearing exercise one does, the more the bones must adapt to the impact and pull of muscles by building more cells and becoming stronger. If you limit the body’s ability to strengthen itself, you are overlooking a key element of treatment.

We can design a physical therapy program that utilizes weight-bearing exercises useful for treating osteoporosis. Through low-impact, controlled exercise, the goal will be to strengthen muscles around the bones and increase endurance during daily activities. Performing aerobics, using an elliptical or stair-step machine, or walking at a brisk pace can build up your strength and allow you to move to more moderate-impact routines. In addition to those weight-bearing exercises, strength training is essential to better cope with the impacts of gravity. Examples include the use of

  • elastic bands
  • weights
  • your own body weight

While yoga, Pilates and tai chi have also become popular low-impact programs that build your strength and endurance, some techniques are difficult and not suggested for individuals fighting the effects of osteoporosis.

If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, make an appointment to see us. With our knowledge of body mechanics and strength training, we can be a vital part of your path to better living.