Category Archives: Aging

Treadmill Rehabilitation After Stroke

The treadmill used by a person after experiencing a stroke is not your average gym model. It is specially designed to help the rehabilitation process, walking in particular. In locomotor treadmill training, a harness secures the patient and helps support some of his or her body weight. As the patient gains strength and the skills […]

Recognizing and Treating a “Mini-stroke”

No permanent damage results from a transient ischemic attack (TIA), sometimes called a mini-stroke. It is caused by a short-term blockage of a blood vessel supplying blood and oxygen to the brain. Although its effects—which can include trouble speaking, dizziness, blurred vision and weakness on one side of the body, among other signs—last less than […]

Strong Quads Help Fight Osteoarthritis

Many individuals experience pain from osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, the “wear and tear” version of arthritis. It can occur in any joint but is especially common in the knee. Your knee is a complex joint where the thigh bone (femur), a lower leg bone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella) come together. These bones […]

Ways to Avoid Taking the Fall

Each year, injuries from falling afflict many adults— the majority of whom are senior citizens—causing painful fractures and leaving them with severe mobility problems. Changes related to aging, such as decreases in visual capacity, hearing and strength, can contribute to the likelihood of a tumble. Whether you are a senior or you have an elderly […]

The Slow Creep of Muscle Weakness

Most of us have heard about the dangers of osteoporosis, an age related condition that results in weakened, easily broken bones. But as we age, we don’t think much about losing muscle strength. Sarcopenia , the medical term for muscle loss, develops gradually. It begins around age 35, but at first the loss is slow— […]

Rehabilitation After Multiple Fractures to the Pelvis

Pelvic fractures are complicated by nature. The pelvis is actually made up of three “rings” of bone: one major, large ring and two smaller rings. While a mild fracture of the pelvis can heal on its own, more serious fractures like those sustained in automobile accidents often require surgery and intensive physical therapy rehabilitation. Because […]

Stay Loose as You Age

When you climb out of bed each morning, you may wonder why your muscles are so stiff. After all, you just slept a full eight hours! Why don’t you feel rested and limber? There are several reasons why you may feel stiff each morning. As we get older, there is an underlying physical tendency to […]

Vestibular Rehabilitation

Improve dizziness symptoms and balance problems. Therapy for vestibular disorders can take many forms. The type of exercise utilized depends upon the unique problems that the individual demonstrates during the evaluation. Some exercises are geared toward helping with balance, some with helping the brain resolve differences in the inner ear signals, and some with improving […]

Decreasing Cartilage Loss in Osteoarthritis

Although some over-the-counter nutritional supplements have been advertised as capable of rebuilding cartilage in arthritic joints, the claims most often do not stand up under scientific scrutiny. To protect damaged cartilage, the most important things you can do are strengthen the muscles that support the joints in your body affected by osteoarthritis and make them […]

Tennis and Golf: Keep Swinging as You Age

It’s a hard fact to swallow: Age eventually catches up with all of us, no matter how active we may be. Unless we work to maintain strength and flexibility, we slowly lose both as we age. Even the most avid golfers often notice that they lose distance in their drives and tennis players lose velocity […]