Rehabilitation After Multiple Fractures to the Pelvis

Woman's Health

Pelvic fractures are complicated by nature. The pelvis is actually made up of three “rings” of bone: one major, large ring and two smaller rings. While a mild fracture of the pelvis can heal on its own, more serious fractures like those sustained in automobile accidents often require surgery and intensive physical therapy rehabilitation.

Because the bones of the pelvis help support the weight of your upper body and protect important abdominal organs like the intestines and bladder, as well as major nerves and blood vessels, it is especially important that the bones be properly aligned. If your injury required surgery, after a period of rest you will most likely be referred to us for rehabilitation.

The major goal of pelvic fracture rehabilitation is to get you back to your
pre-injury level of function. It can be a slow process at the beginning, with an individually designed physical therapy program involving a gradual progression of weight-bearing and strengthening exercises. After about 8 weeks of weight-bearing work, exercises will focus on enhancing strength and flexibility, with the addition of a stationary bike or treadmill to your routine.

The difficulty of the rehabilitation will depend on the nature of your injury and your general health, but be aware that the complex structure of the pelvis can make this a complicated and often arduous process, taking anywhere from 6 months to 1 year. Be patient: Proper alignment of the pelvic bones during healing is vital to your successful recovery, as is restoration of strength and flexibility.