Category Archives: Balance and Fall Prevention

Don’t Be Felled by a Fear of Falling

Fear of falling increases as we age—and with good reason. About one of every three adults aged 65 and older falls each year. In 2010, more than 2.3 million nonfatal falls were treated in emergency rooms, resulting in more than 662,000 hospitalizations. A staggering 95% of all hip fractures are related to falls. In people […]

Standing Up Safely Without Dizziness

If you feel dizzy when you suddenly rise after sitting for a significant amount of time, you have probably experienced a sudden drop in blood pressure. To compensate for this drop, your body usually pumps extra blood. But for many people—especially those taking drugs to treat high blood pressure, or those with heart problems, diabetes […]

Can Exercise Prevent Falls?

Falls. They are the fear of many older adults. They can range from harmless stumbles to severe accidents, the effects of which can take years to heal. One of the best methods of avoiding falls might be the proactive use of exercise. Usually thought of for sculpting the body and improving cardiovascular conditioning, exercise can […]

Relieving Dowager’s Hump Through Exercise

Older individuals with osteoporosis often develop spinal kyphosis, resulting in the formation of a pronounced hunchback, sometimes called a “dowager’s hump” (kyphos means “hump” in Greek). Kyphosis occurs because a spinal vertebra, usually at the level of the rib cage, becomes weak and porous. Eventually, something as innocent as a sneeze or cough causes the […]