Category Archives: Foot

Taking an Arch Look at Foot Pain

If you look at your foot from the side, you should notice an upward curve in the middle. Called an arch, this curve is formed by tight bands of tissue that attach at the heel and foot bones. Generally speaking, there are three types of arches: low (present in 20% of the population), high (present […]

Get the Best Running Shoes for the Money

Given the wide range of running shoes on the market, you may wonder whether you need to buy the most current or expensive pair of shoes. A shoe is only as good as the protection it offers the runner. Because the plantar fascia, a thick connective tissue running along the sole of the foot, carries […]

Walking Away from Flatfoot

With all the use they get on a daily basis, your feet take a lot of wear and tear over the years. As a result, you may develop posterior tibial tendonitis (also known as adult acquired flatfoot). The posterior tibial tendon begins in the calf and runs along the inside of the ankle. Every step […]

The Vicious Cycle of Tibial Tendonitis

Attaching your calf muscle to the bones on the inside of your foot, the posterior tibial tendon is one of the most common—and most irritating—locations to develop tendonitis. Tendonitis occurs when a tendon gets inflamed or partially torn from overuse or injury. When this happens in the posterior tibial tendon, the arch of your foot […]

Alleviate Foot Pain from Your Arches

Generally speaking, there are three types of arches: low, high and medium. Among the general population, 60% has a medium arch, 20% has a high arch and 20% has a low arch. People who have either high or low arches face a slightly elevated risk of foot pain. Fortunately, there are many ways to effectively […]

A Sticky Solution to Plantar Fasciitis Pain

It seems almost too good to be true: Could something as simple as taping up your foot relieve the pain and discomfort of plantar fasciitis? The good news is that the answer is a definitive—and scientifically proven—yes. However, there are some caveats, and it is important to understand how taping works so you can utilize […]

Your Feet Can Cause Knee Pain

Although the feet are essential for proper running form and good biomechanics, runners often neglect them. A runner with an incorrectly aligned foot can experience pain in the lower body, most often in the knee. How the foot causes such discomfort revolves around pronation, the inward roll of the foot and the flattening of the […]

Kicking the Pain of Plantar Fasciitis

Your foot pain has been diagnosed as plantar fasciitis, and you have been told that stretching will help relieve it. What kinds of stretches should you do? We have a good knowledge of how to successfully treat plantar fasciitis because it is so common—about 2 million Americans are treated for it every year. Plantar fasciitis […]

Restoring Arches in Adult-acquired Flatfoot

Women older than 40 years of age often experience a condition called “adult-acquired flatfoot” that results in a fallen arch with the foot pointed outward. Symptoms include leg fatigue, pain and swelling that worsens with activity, and body aches. Causes include injury to the nerves of the foot, obesity, bone fracture, diabetes, high blood pressure, […]

The Naked Truth About Barefoot Running

Barefoot running, also known as minimalism or natural running, is simply running without shoes or in thin-soled shoes. Proponents say our bodies and feet evolved to run with forefoot or midfoot striking. Running in shoes results in our heels’ striking first. Barefoot running is therefore a more “natural” experience, with barefoot running advocates arguing that […]