MS Sufferers Can Improve Quality of Life

Multiple sclerosis (MS) affects the brain and spinal cord. Symptoms, such as muscle weakness and fatigue, often make sufferers struggle to move around. Further limitations in daily movement and difficulty functioning at work can result as symptoms progress.

Several studies, however, have suggested that engaging in exercise such as strength training can significantly improve MS symptoms. It may also delay the degenerative effects of the disease.

Although physical therapy will not cure the symptoms of MS, it can give you the tools to cope with the changes you experience. As soon as possible after your condition has been diagnosed, you should make an appointment to see us. We can teach you how to

  • strengthen muscles
  • relieve stiffness
  • reduce fatigue
  • improve independence
  • minimize pain
  • enhance overall functioning

Although weight-training machines and free weights such as dumbbells can be very helpful, an additional benefit to physical therapy is that you can go beyond weight training. To provide you with practical ways to improve your functioning at work and in the home, we will also design exercises that do not require specialized equipment. These include modified push-ups and leg squats, both of which you can perform at home. By incorporating strength training into your day, you can improve your balance, coordination and strength.

The ultimate goal of physical therapy is one of empowerment—helping you to manage your MS. Through strength training and other techniques, the result will be long-term management of your symptoms and a better quality of life.

Schedule your physical therapy appointment today at any of our 20 locations throughout Northern Virginia and parts of Maryland. The Jackson Clinics physical therapy in Hagerstown, MD opening soon!