Tag Archives: Lifestyle

How To Stay Active While Working From Home

Whether you work from home or your office, the question of how to stay active can be a challenging one. It becomes increasingly important as many jobs require sitting behind a desk for what feels like infinite hours during the work week. Actually, it has been determined that desk workers sit for more than 1,000 […]

Working From Home Pain-Free

Does this working from home position look familiar? Truth us, we know that with this “new normal” and many of us working from home, new neck pains and back pains are GOING to happen. But, how can we prevent them? And how can we find relief once the pain has already set in? If your […]

The Cost Of Being Sedentary

While it might be easy to list off all of the benefits of exercising, we don’t typically talk about the cost of being sedentary. In fact, a recent study published in JAMA followed over 100,000 adults for more than 8 years and measured their fitness using a treadmill. The participants were arranged by age and […]

How To Fit Exercise Into A Busy Schedule

Research has consistently shown that exercise produces a number of benefits, ranging from improved mood to better strength and cardiovascular health; however, with a hectic lifestyle, figuring out how to fit exercise into a busy schedule can be a daunting task. Balancing the demands of work, family, and personal commitments while prioritizing health can be […]

How to Create an Ergonomic Study Space for Your Child

Creating an Ergonomic School Space At Home Setting up a comfortable and healthy study space for your child can make a big difference in their productivity and well-being. With many students spending considerable time on their laptops after school, ensuring that their study area is ergonomically friendly is essential. Here’s a guide to help you […]

Pain at the Mall

As the outside temperatures drop, people contemplating undertaking an exercise program often consider walking at the mall. Benefits include a controlled climate, an absence of traffic, security and easily available restrooms and water. However, starting a new walking program can sometimes bring on shin splints, pain at the front of the lower leg. As the outside […]