The Golden Age of Fitness

As we get older, we may still feel young mentally, but after age 50 or so, we must acknowledge that our bodies need slightly different physical accommodations than we did earlier in our exercising lives.

Working out reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, breast and colon cancer, depression and type 2 diabetes, for starters. To become fit, make your routines progressively more difficult by raising the bar more slowly and carefully than you might have 20 years ago—and pick activities that you enjoy, so you will be more likely to stick with them.

We can design an exercise program that includes strength training and aerobic activity. Strength training with weights or other resistance equipment such as bands helps support joint and bone health and can be performed at virtually any age. Benefits include better balance, lessened risk of falls and increased metabolism. The weights used and/or number of repetitions performed can be increased over time, depending on your age and fitness level.

For the aerobic workout, many people use general guidelines related to maximum heart rate (MHR) to determine how hard they should exercise. The formula begins with 220 minus your age. If you are 60 years of age, for instance, 220 minus 60 equals 160, so 160 beats per minute is your MHR.

  • A low-intensity workout for a 60-year-old would involve working at 40% to 50% of MHR, or up to 80 beats per minute.
  • A moderate-intensity workout would be up to 112 beats per minute, 50% to 70% of MHR.
  • A high-intensity workout, 70% to 85% of MHR, would mean up to 136 beats per minute, and for many older people, it might not be recommended.

In addition to your age, any medications you take, your current fitness level, weight and preexisting medical conditions can influence your MHR number and determine what intensity level is safe.

We will work with your physician to design an exercise program that will help you to achieve your individual fitness goals. With a plan you enjoy and can stick to, you will attain the ultimate workout that will strengthen your body and maintain your health.