Training in Planes

Many trendy buzzwords and catch phrases are often used in fitness circles, with the phrase “training in planes” heard quite frequently. The concept, which has nothing to do with aviation, sounds interesting, but what does it really mean?

Simply put, every move we make involves one of the following three planes of motion in the body: the sagittal plane, which involves a fexion or extension, such as squatting, walking or pressing a weight overhead; the frontal plane, which is an abduction or side flexion, such as a lateral arm raise or a side bend; and the transverse plane, which involves a rotation, such as a golf swing, a swing of a baseball bat or a throw.

The aim of training in planes is to prepare the body for any movement during activities, whatever they may be. Training in planes

  • exercises the body in a balanced manner
  • builds functional strength in virtually every major muscle group
  • keeps all movement in proper proportion
  • helps the body move more effectively because it emphasizes movement in three dimensions

Another important benefit is that training in planes usually benefits th e core muscle group, also known as the midsection, which provides the basis for a person’s ability to move. This aids virtually everything we do, giving us strength, agility, balance and body control. We will be happy to meet with you to develop an exercise program that involves all three planes and benefits your core muscle group while meeting your individual needs. Your body will thank you as it moves through its daily activities with increased agility, stability, endurance, strength and general fitness.