Category Archives: Knee

Finally Relief For Knee Osteoarthritis

A common condition among older adults, osteoarthritis, develops when the cartilage that usually serves as a cushion in a joint wears away, leaving bone to rub against bone. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons estimates that more than 8 million Americans older than age 45 suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee. Are you one of […]

Knee Injuries and Running

Knee injuries are possibly the most common injury that runners experience. In fact, it is one of the most likely reasons to keep you from running. Knee pain can be a warning signal that you need to change something in your running regimen. For instance, your posture or the rate at which you are increasing […]

The Knee Bone’s Connected to the … Foot?

When your osteoarthritic knee hurts, your foot tends to turn outward. This is a “trick” your body has learned, one that is common to many people with mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the knee. The pain can be temporarily reduced by turning your leg outward when you walk or climb stairs. Other strategies are crucial, […]

Climbing Stairs – One Step at a Time

Although going up the stairs may feel challenging, some people experience more pain going down. This is because your muscles have to work hard to control your weight as you descend. If you have suffered from knee problems in the past or continue to have problems, it is probably time to look at increasing strength […]

Bracing for a New Arthritis Treatment

Knee pain from osteoarthritis is no walk in the park. In fact, the pain probably keeps you from walks in the park. Could wearing a knee brace help you overcome this discomfort? Often, arthritis affects only one compartment of the knee. This can result in your lower leg angling awkwardly and appearing “bow legged” (varus) […]

Using Exercise to Reduce Arthritic Knee Pain

With arthritis, knee joints can be painful and may frequently ache. Fortunately, exercise can help you to relieve pain and improve your mobility. While moving a stiff joint may sound counterproductive, health professionals agree that movement can help to reduce arthritic knee pain. If you suffer from arthritis pain in the knees, exercise can alleviate […]

Regaining Full Range of Motion After Knee Surgery

In order for you to walk, run, sit or kick comfortably, your knee—the largest joint in the body—must be able to move through an arc of about 130 degrees, from completely straight, or fully extended, to completely bent, or fully flexed. Two muscle groups control this motion: the quadriceps on the front of the thigh […]

Shake Off Jumper’s Knee with Increased Strength

Do you experience knee pain when you return to the basketball court after a layoff of a few months? If your knee always aches—even if you cannot remember incurring a specific injury—you may be suffering from jumper’s knee (formally known as patellar tendinopathy). This progressive deterioration is especially common among adult male basketball and volleyball […]

Kids: A Pain in the Knee

If your child experiences knee discomfort, it could be due to Osgood-Schlatter disease. Although temporary, this condition can be a source of pain and swelling. Most children suffering from Osgood-Schlatter disease also experience a tender bump just below the kneecap. The pain associated with this condition appears when children, whose bones are growing rapidly, are […]

Knee Taping for Pain Relief

Kneecap, or patella, pain is common, whether a person is athletic or sedentary. Although there are many causes of this condition, an important treatment is Kneecap, or patella, pain is common, whether a person is athletic or sedentary. Although there are many causes of this condition, an important treatment is knee taping, also called “McConnell taping” after […]