Category Archives: Women’s Health

Get Hip to the Source of Groin Pain

Groin pain can have many causes, including a pulled muscle, hernia or pinched nerve in the back. However, one of the most common causes of groin pain is actually hip pain that is “referred” to the groin. While we usually associate our hip with the outside of the hip bone, the hip joint is actually […]

News Flash: Physical Therapy Relieves Menopausal Symptoms

If you are starting to experience symptoms of menopause, you may wonder whether physical therapy can help in some way. The answer is yes! We can customize treatments to address the areas the most important to your current and future health. Physical therapy can help with these common issues associated with menopause: Bone density, strength […]

Fight the Urge: Treating Incontinence with Physical Therapy

Urinary incontinence, which affects around 25 million people in the United States, is one of the most common health problems facing Americans—and one of the least discussed. Although it can be embarrassing to admit having trouble controlling your bladder, seeking help is imperative. There is no reason to live in uncomfortable silence when noninvasive and […]

Control Your Bladder with Physical Therapy

Overactive bladder and involuntary loss of bladder control affect more than 25 million Americans—men and women alike, young or old. Individuals who experience these conditions often feel ashamed, depressed and socially isolated. A bladder that leaks involuntarily is not a normal process of aging and is sometimes caused by other medical factors. While many treatment […]

Putting Your ACL Back Together Again

The ACL—anterior cruciate ligament— provides stability to the knee by keeping the tibia (shinbone) from sliding in front of the femur (thighbone). About 250,000 ACL reconstructions are performed annually in the United States on individuals who experience the condition. ACL tears are not usually sutured together because the repairs do not fare well over time. […]

Lifting Weights Following Breast Cancer Surgery

In the past, breast cancer survivors were told not to lift anything even moderately heavy—not a bag of groceries, not a suitcase, not their children. They also were warned against using their arms strenuously— no scrubbing floors or raking leaves. The thinking behind these prohibitions was that exercising the arms could increase the chance of […]