Tag Archives: physical therapy

How to Create an Ergonomic School Space at Home

Make an Ergonomically Friendly School Space The good news is that kids have the same needs as adults, just in smaller sizes. To make an ergonomic school space for your child, you will want to make sure their: Feet are flat on the floor or resting a footrest Wrists and hands don’t rest on sharp […]

Running Injuries: Prevention & Treatment

Running is an excellent way to maintain your health and fitness, but, like any physical activity, it carries the risk of injuries. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of running injuries, including the anatomy of running injuries, we can significantly lower the risk of injury. In this article, we dive into common running injuries, preventions, and […]

Is Cycling Enough Exercise To Stay Healthy?

Between riding our bikes outdoors, our Pelotons, or attending our beloved Spinning classes, cycling is a popular physical activity for many of us. But is cycling enough exercise to keep us healthy? Let’s delve into the world of cycling, exploring the health benefits and how we can enhance our cycling regimens. Is cycling enough exercise? […]

Using Yoga for Physical Therapy

Yoga has become a daily activity for 20 million Americans. The practice of Yoga no longer involves just stretching, either. From hot yoga (Bikram) to “power yoga” (derived from ashtanga yoga), you can get quite a workout using yoga ­­poses. Benefits described by participants typically include: Pain relief Strengthening of our muscles Improvement in managing […]

Evidence-based Physical Therapy

Over the last 10 to 15 years, physical therapists have focused more on using evidence-based physical therapy to determine what works best for each individual patient. What does Evidence-Based mean? This involves basing treatments on procedures that have “proven” effectiveness as published in scientific literature (like PubMed). This is in contrast to depending on just […]

Is Aquatic Physical Therapy Effective?

When you are in pain, floating around weightless in a pool of warm water can sound very appealing. But, is aquatic physical therapy effective? Firstly, therapeutic water programs allow us to restore function and strength without having to fight gravity. In addition to the benefits of the natural pain-relieving aspects of water, aquatic therapy can […]

Blood Clots: Don’t Bring Them on Your Holiday Trip

The coming holidays and winter breaks mean traveling for many people. But spending more than four hours in a car, bus, train or plane leaves you at moderate risk for blood clots in your legs caused by a lack of circulation. These can sometimes break free and travel to the lungs, causing a potentially fatal […]

How to Prevent Shin Splints

Shin splints” is the common term for medial tibial stress syndrome, the inflammation of the thin tissue (periosteum) that covers the shinbone (tibia). You feel the pain of shin splints in the lower leg muscles and connective tissues that attach to the tibia through the periosteum. On occasion there may be mild swelling or redness […]

Avoiding Boredom on a Stationary Bike

Because exercising indoors on a stationary bike can be boring, many users find that time goes more quickly when they are being entertained. In fact, the more exciting the workout, the higher the motivation will be for the workout. The easiest and cheapest option is to place your bike in front of the television where […]

Summer Conditioning for High School Athletes

Any school break can be a training challenge for high school athletes, but summer has unique issues. Not only is the time off from school and practice longer than at other breaks, but summer heat also adds a formidable risk factor. Unquestionably, consistent conditioning is vital for athletes to maintain competitive fitness. The risk of […]