Tag Archives: travel

Help! My Back Hurts When I Travel

Traveling can be a harsh reminder that the spine was not designed for long hours of sitting. Do you get back pain while traveling? Likely, especially if you travel frequently. You’ve probably felt the pain and stiffness that come with extended periods of sitting down in a car or airplane. However, there’s good news! By […]

Traveling With Kids: An Essential Guide

Traveling with kids can be a whirlwind of fun, but it can also come with its fair share of stress. Because of this, it can take savvy planning to keep everyone happy and healthy. In this essential guide, we’ll cover key tips for traveling with kids, so you can enjoy your summer vacation stress-free. Essentials […]

In Flight Exercise: Staying Healthy in the Air

In Flight Exercise: Staying Healthy in the Air We all know that sitting down for extended periods of time, particularly in a cramped airplane seat, isn’t good for you. In fact, the media has paid a great deal of attention to the risk of passengers developing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in flight. Although some reports […]

15 Healthy Travel Snacks

Packing healthy travel snacks may sound like a silly thing to do. After all, there are plenty of food options at just about every rest area or airport. However, there are many reasons to consider packing at least a few healthy travel snacks on your next trip. For starters, any seasoned traveler can share a […]

Stay Fit During Holiday Travels: Your Essential Guide

How To Stay Fit During Holiday Travels While many people worry about staying fit and healthy during the holidays, doing so can be particularly challenging if you are traveling. On the road, most of us eat our meals in restaurants or at hotel buffets. That, combined with a break from your usual fitness routine and […]

Blood Clots: Don’t Bring Them on Your Holiday Trip

The coming holidays and winter breaks mean traveling for many people. But spending more than four hours in a car, bus, train or plane leaves you at moderate risk for blood clots in your legs caused by a lack of circulation. These can sometimes break free and travel to the lungs, causing a potentially fatal […]

Alleviating Soreness During Car Rides

After a few hours in the car, your body may crack and creak, often painfully. What is it about a simple automobile ride that can cause such dreadful muscle soreness? You are at risk of developing soreness any time you stay in one position for an extended period of time. Some of the most common […]

When Backing Up the Car Becomes a Pain in the Neck

That pain you feel when turning your head while backing up your car is probably due to tightness in the muscles of your neck and upper back, often the result of years of poor posture. To improve your posture, keep your neck in a “neutral” position, with your chin more tucked in than pushed forward. […]